Don't Miss A Beat. Stay Ahead in the Ad Tech Market.

obtaining ad tech success

Enabling ad tech platforms to stand out in a fragmented market is a daunting task. Challenges with technology systems are only one aspect, but solving them can be the key to unlocking differentiation for your platform.

Entering the ad tech market and staying top of mind means facing strong competitors such as Google and Facebook. Additionally, with retailers like Walmart recently announcing they are bringing their marketing in-house, this strategy will lead to greater industry fragmentation and more opportunity.

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Stay Competitive In An Ever-Changing Landscape

Mitigate Fraud

Ad fraud cost companies an estimated $19 billion in 2018. Fraudulent publishers spoof inventory and disappear. Scammers also create fake websites with high user counts through bot activity. These actions drive false data and bid pricing. 

Achieve Cost-Effectiveness

Fraud and duplication issues create the need to significantly overbuild infrastructure environments to compensate. This drives up costs, creating a scale gap between the ad tech community and industry giants Google and Facebook. 

Reduce Duplication

Fraud and duplication issues create the need to significantly overbuild infrastructure environments to compensate. This drives up costs, creating a scale gap between the ad tech community and industry giants Google and Facebook. 

Phone and Graph

Sync IDs

With today’s decentralized ID synchronization, anonymized IDs, a more competitive cost approach can be brought to the industry. 

Reduce Latency + Increase Proximity

Learn more about our solution benefits and features by downloading the solution brief below. 


Ad Tech Industry Leader Saves 50%

Read our customer success story and find out how our solution enables flexibility and savings for ad tech companies. 


Solution Benefits


Improved network performance and environment reliability across the bid cycle. 


Guaranteed reduced latency through layer 2 connections to over 200 endpoints globally.


Help with ID synchronization through common ID table.


Fully managed end-to-end network, compute, and storage environments within the ecosystem with established Trust Zones.


Managed QoS between bid partners to reduce the need for duplication and mitigate fraudulent bid requests.


Private connectivity VPC on-ramps into Public Cloud providers (AWS, Azure).

Ad Tech Ecosystem

Our ad tech ecosystem operates as a private, layer 2 network connecting trading partners, technology partners, and cloud services across regions and data centers. It allows each partner to enable direct peering with the other participants, creating a direct, low-latency path between their respective infrastructure. Our solution can be deployed in 200 global data centers and connect to all major public cloud providers.

Learn more about the tools we use to manage and monitor our clients' environments.

Contact us for more information:​

+1 213.785.6200