Unitas – Equinix – Blue Planet Team Wins PoC Showcase at MEF 19

As you read about in our recent post, Unitas partnered with Equinix and Blue Planet, a division of Ciena, to present the proof of concept: AI-driven Federated Domain Operations for Ultra Resilient Services. Fifteen teams competed, and our team was a winner! The PoC Showcase at MEF is one of the connectivity industry’s most prestigious […]

Unitas Enables Competitive Advantage for Customers

Why would a business want to have a multi-cloud solution? If you’ve seen one cloud haven’t you seen them all? Not so!  Just like people, each cloud service has something a little different to offer. Combining the capabilities (such as AI, big data, etc.) from multiple cloud providers can allow an enterprise to get more useful […]

Powering AI in the Enterprise

AI has skyrocketed into the enterprise in the last few years, promising to revolutionize every aspect of business. But operating the hardware required to run AI neural networks is expensive and a difficult burden that most companies cannot handle on their own. To take full advantage of AI as it matures, enterprises need the best cloud connection available. In […]